About the hospital

National Institute of Children’s Diseases, Limbová no. 1 (hereinafter NÚDCH) was established as a state contribution organization by the decision of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic (MZ SR) with the Charter effective from January 1, 1991. It acquired its current form through later decisions on the amendment of the Charter by the Ministry of Health of the SR.

The basic mission of NÚDCH is to perform tasks related to care for the protection, preservation and restoration of health of patients from birth to 18 years + 364 days by providing health care.

The object of activity of NÚDCH is:
– provision of specialized outpatient and inpatient health care to patients from birth to 18 years of age, including 18 years of age
– taking hematopoietic stem cell grafts from living donors, their processing, preservation and transfer to the recipient
– collection of organs for transplantation purposes, their processing and transfer to the recipient
– provision of medical first aid services for children and adolescents and carrying out transports by mobile intensive care unit for critically ill children and newborns
– cooperation with educational institutions that provide high school, university and further education of health workers and, in cooperation with relevant professional societies and professional organizations in the health sector, organize continuous education of health workers
– performance of other tasks determined by the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic.

NÚDCH has a bed part, an outpatient part and joint treatment and investigation components. In addition to the inpatient part of the hospital with a capacity of 397 beds, health care is also provided in specialized clinics. The joint examination and treatment components are structured into the Radiodiagnostic Department, the Department of Laboratory Medicine and the Physiotherapy – Rehabilitation Department.

NÚDCH is also an educational base of several faculties of the Comenius University in Bratislava, the Slovak Health University in Bratislava and other schools – it provides undergraduate and postgraduate education.